Holistic Health For

babies, kids & teens

Rooted in Craniosacral Therapy, but more.

Sessions for children and teens incorporate an eclectic and gentle mix of Craniosacral Therapy, gentle chiropractic techniques and myofascial release.

The ultimate goal is for your child to leave sessions feeling more comfortable and centered in their bodies.


We begin with an initial session.

The initial 60 minute session will begin with a detailed intake and physical exam with both parent and child to explore the symptoms that are showing up in your child’s body. I take the time to understand not just the hard facts, but the impact of whatever is gong on.

Treatment plans are tailored to your child’s unique needs and sessions allow for plenty of time for questions.

The initial sessions also includes some clear guidance on what’s next for treatment, as well as home exercises and herbal remedies to get started with.

Sessions for Children

75 Minutes

Child Initial Session

Initial sessions for children are 75 minutes and will begin with a detailed intake and physical exam to explore the symptoms that are showing up in their body.


30 Minutes

Child Follow Up

Follow up sessions for children are 30 minutes in length and meant to be quick and to the point. Your child will receive treatment as well as a brief check-in on their symptoms.


Healing Modalities for Children

  • Children's Chiropractic Care

    Treatments for kids are GENTLE, low force and effective.

    Chiropractic care in the early years ensures your child’s body is functioning at 100%. Since the nervous system lives in the spine, if a disfunction arises it can cause a ripple effect of imbalances throughout the body.

  • Craniosacral Therapy for Children

    Craniosacral Therapy is light touch, subtle, and taps into the body’s emotional connection with the physical body

    Craniosacral Therapy can be helpful for releasing stress and nervous system overload.

  • Children’s Myofascial Release

    At TMJ Chiro, I use hands on myofascial realease techniques to ease physical tension and muscular imbalances to directly rebalance areas inside the mouth and jaw.

Common Conditions Treated



Feeding issues


Birth trauma


Digestive Upset

Children & Teens

Headaches & pain

Undergoing braces or palate expanders

Emotional Dysregulation

Anxiety & stress

Kind words from clients


I’ve been working with mothers and children for nearly 20 years.

I’m an advocate for parents who live a holistic lifestyle and believe in the body’s innate healing capacity. I came to this work through a deep seated desire to contribute to the well-being of the planet, the collective and myself. I believe that our bodies innately know how to heal when given the optimal environment.

I’m also a crunchy mama of three teenage boys, a feminist, an herbalist, a recovering perfectionist, a writer, a self help book junkie, and a lover of nature, plants and beautiful things.