Bodywork is Cumulative.

Transformation and true wellness emerge over time through CONSISTENT engagement with well-rounded practices.

One off sessions are usually a band aid solution and won’t “fix” a lifetime of bad habits and sky high stress levels.

True health is a long and winding journey.

Investing in your body is worth it every single time.

Pain Relief

Take away the pain/ symptoms you’re experiencing.

Corrective Care

Treat current symptoms and prevent flare ups by identifying and treating the underlying causes and imbalances. This may require several months of consistent care, as well as dietary, exercise and lifestyle changes.


Periodic checkups to maintain your already healthy body.

Becky Higginson, DC

It takes time for me to get to know you.

  • Time to attune to your body and learn how it responds to different techniques.

  • Time to get a sense of where stress and past traumas have settled.

  • Time to observe how dedicated you are to home care recommendations and self care practices.

  • Time to listen to your words for underlying beliefs.

If you’re seeking a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual engagement, you’ve found the right place.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver.
— Mahatma Gandhi

If you’re ready to get started, schedule a complimentary video call to see if we’re a good fit.